State Farm Insurance Companies

Digital Adoption Solutions Intern

June 2024 • Bloomington, IL

What I liked

I really enjoyed the way State Farm values interns. Everyone, regardless of whether they are on your team or not, wants to give you opportunities to learn. My team is incredibly supportive and treats me like a full-time employee. I've been given real projects that have an impact on State Farm, not small, risk-averse tasks. I really appreciate that I'm given independence and encouraged to try things outside of what has been assigned to me. In addition, my team values my career growth and makes sure that I also have time to schedule coffee chats and learn from those that work in other fields.

What I wish was different

I work remotely, and while it's convenient, I do wish I was close enough to go into the office every week (I work in California where there are no corporate offices). That being said, I did get the chance to travel to the Bloomington, Illinois office for a week and it was a highlight of my internship!


Aim big and make the first move. People in State Farm are incredibly supportive, even if they've never met you, so take advantage of that. If you have an idea, bring it up to your team and whoever might be able to help, because they will do everything they can to support you in being successful. If you're interested in someone's job, schedule a coffee chat, ask to shadow a meeting or two; State Farm employees want to help, but you have to make it known that you're interested.
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Talent Management Analyst Intern

May - August 2024 • Richardson, TX

What I liked

Without a doubt, the work environment is what makes this experience! Overall, the vibe of the entire enterprise is very relaxed, warm, and welcoming. From my first day, everyone that I've met has been super nice, friendly, and cooperative. Even the top executives in the enterprise will take the time out of their day to chat and network with me. Plus, every one acknowledges the fact that even though we're all coworkers, we're all just humans at the end of the day, so there's never been a meeting where we don't talk about fun and silly things from our personal lives or interests! The main benefit from this is that it allows me to be myself whenever I'm at work. I never feel as if I need to put on a super professional persona when I log on for the day, which makes me enjoy work much more! The second thing has been the large variety of work I've been doing since I started. I'm only six weeks in and the work I've done has been in multiple different areas, so I never have to worry about logging on and doing the same three tasks every day. This has been extremely beneficial by helping me gain experience in different areas of the enterprise. Finally, as a college student I have had many experiences where as an intern, my thoughts and opinions weren't valued too much during times where big decisions were being made. However, since working for State Farm, not only am I in the room where it happens, but people will always ask for my opinion and listen when I have input on a situation. Even though I'm an intern, they treat and respect me as if I'm a full time employee which I greatly appreciate!

What I wish was different

The one thing I would want to see more is intern community building. Beyond the first day, there aren't many interactions or opportunities to network with interns in the other departments outside your own. Granted, this can be difficult with the use of a hybrid schedule and not everyone being in the office during the same week. Nevertheless, beyond the first day where I met some cool people, I haven't had the easy opportunity to speak with them again.


One piece of advice I would share, is that when interviewing and working for the enterprise, just bring your authentic self. When you're your authentic self, you have the ability to bring the thought process, interests, and talents to the team that only you can provide! Doing this everyday is what will help the enterprise get the most out of you, and for you, the most out of the experience!
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Talent Strategy - Organizational Effectiveness

May - August 2024 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

I enjoyed the hands-on learning opportunities, the excellent mentorship, and the collaborative environment. State Farm seems to truly care about their interns as evidenced by their abundance of benefits (e.g., 401k with matching, paid holidays, competitive salary, and more). Everyone is very personable, making work time enjoyable! This is an internship worth pursuing

What I wish was different

Some of the details in the job description are vague or different than what the job tasks actually entailed. I would have appreciated more in-depth info on tangible tasks


Embrace collaboration
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Property and Casualty Claims Intern

May - August 2024 • Tempe, AZ

What I liked

I really enjoyed the opportunity for both leadership and personal growth that the P & C Claims Internship provided. Throughout the internship, the leaders and other interns created a safe and productive environment for everyone to be able to thrive under. I have yet to meet a single person whether they are in the internship or people we have been given an opportunity to meet and network with that have been with State Farm for years that have not been kind, giving, and extremely supportive of the interns. I am absolutely enjoying learning about claims as well and having the amazing opportunity to assist real customers when they are in dire need of it. State Farm's motto of being a good neighbor is proven true even within the company itself, the community within it is truly inspiring.

What I wish was different

I honestly cannot think of anything I'd change!


One piece of advice that I would give is to ask questions, put yourself out there, and be a student of leadership as best as you possibly can. If you are looking into being a part of this internship, make the most of every moment and opportunity you have and put yourself out of your comfort zone!
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Property and Casualty Intern

May 2024 • Dallas, TX

What I liked

As PCU Interns, we were given a list of capstone projects and got to share which projects we wanted to work on the for the summer. This allowed me to get more technical experience in this role as it was something I was seeking out. Throughout working on my project, everyone I meet is always happy to answer questions or help me find someone who can answer them. The internship also prioritized setting us up for Longterm success and allowed us to learn about different departments and roles across the organization. We were encouraged to set up shadowing and leadership was insistent on helping us figure out what we wanted in a career and assisting us to receive the knowledge or experience to start on that journey. Overall this internship also gave us time to get to know State Farm as a company and figure out if that was a good fit for us personally. This was a wonderful internship personally and professionally.

What I wish was different

I cannot think of anything I would want to change. From the 75% remote schedule, to the leadership this internship was thoughtfully created with students growth at the center.


Become comfortable not knowing the answers to questions and being asked to do skills you have no experience in. There are always online resources available and people that are willing to help. If a position is not asking for skills you don't fully have, then there is nowhere to grow.
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Property & Casualty Underwriting Intern

May - August 2024 • Bloomington, IL

What I liked

I worked as a Property & Casualty Underwriting Intern and absolutely loved my experience. I was able to gain additional experience in a professional setting, learning more about myself and enhancing my skills throughout the internship. The internship is very much guided by you and your own schedule which means success is very much derivative of your ability to build relationships, communicate, and adapt to new surroundings. Time management and problem-solving skills are crucial to this internship as much of the roadblocks you may encounter come from scheduling conflicts and deadlines. I worked alongside 3 other interns on a capstone project that was very much supported by State Farm. There was no end of people we could reach out to and ask for their advice. State Farm gives you the platform and tools needed for success, but only you can properly utilize those. It is made apparent from Day 1 that State Farm and their leadership are invested in you despite the giant scope of the company. Many employees have started as interns and are invested in seeing your success as they were once in your shoes. I really liked how much full-time employees were willing to help interns during their State Farm internship, and it helps showcase why State Farm has such a great company culture.

What I wish was different

I had a great experience with State Farm and learned lots each and every week. I wouldn't change a thing!


Never be afraid to ask questions and reach out to people. Despite the large size of the company, it has such a tightly knit culture that empowers curiosity. You will need to learn new skills, both hard and soft, in this internship. Thankfully, there is always someone you can talk to and seek their advice.
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Total Loss Intern

May 2023 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

Statefarm's culture is one of kind in today's corporate world. The knowledge and experience you will gain is profound, my favorite thing about being an intern here now for over a year has to be the environment and leadership. Any leader you get here at Statefarm will put you on the path success with no hesitation, and your peers will be your shoulder to lean on and friend to talk to. There are so many other things I could bring up, but the culture speaks for itself.

What I wish was different

The one thing that I wish was different was the overall information given about the internship via social sites or career fairs. I am a claims intern and when I first read about the position, I had no idea the extent of claims work and training that I would do. I loved gaining the knowledge and it was very interesting! but I wish I would have known before the first day.


Everything you do should be done with purpose. When coming into this internship do not think of it as just a summer job but as a learning experience and an opportunity to grow. You never know what doors this internship could open up!
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Total Rewards Intern

May 2024 • Bloomington, IL

What I liked

So far in my time at State Farm I have yet to meet anyone who was not kind and willing to help! The culture here is really welcoming and flexible. I have enjoyed being in the office and getting to know people outside of my team. My internship is hybrid which has allowed me the flexibility to work from home when I want to which has been really nice. I have also had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects with teams outside of my own. This has allowed me to get a better feel for other areas of work and learn more about what I'm interested in. I have been able to have coffee chats with other employees from a variety of departments to get to know more about them and their role. This has been a great opportunity for me to explore areas I may not have considered before and gain networking skills.

What I wish was different

I would have liked more contact with State Farm after I received my offer letter. There was not a lot of communication between getting my offer letter and my start date, it would have been nice to have more information before my first day.


Don't be afraid to reach out and connect with new people! Most of the time they are more than willing to chat and help out where they can. I would also say to be aware that you won't know it all and they don't expect you too! It can be tempting to try to figure it out all yourself, but its better in the long run to get your questions answered and get assistance when needed!
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Talent Management Analyst Intern

May 2024 • Dunwoody, GA

What I liked

First of all, the culture at State Farm is welcoming and inviting. On my start day, I was very nervous but that didn't last long because everyone was nice/supportive and continue to be. A big perk is that this position is hybrid, therefore, you have lots of flexibility in determining your in-office days. I think this could expand your options if you're interested in a position but your commute is over 30 minutes to one of the locations. State Farm provides a nice work-from-home setup. Many teams are hybrid themselves, so it doesn't impact the strength of your work in your team by being hybrid. Additionally, this internship has kept me pretty busy. The Talent Management division has a dynamic flow of projects coming in, and as an intern, I'm given many opportunities to contribute where I'm able. Lastly, although State Farm is an insurance company, there are so many other departments outside of Claims/Insurance-related functions that have interns. If you're interested in a tech role, audit role, HR&D role, or organizational change role, there's a place for you at State Farm.

What I wish was different

I've been really pleased with my internship experience thus far. However, with most SF internships having hybrid flexibility, it is somewhat challenging to connect with interns from other departments. Fortunately, I know SF is actively working on building a better intern community through intern socials and virtual meet and greets, so hopefully this will be improved very soon.


SF is a huge organization which comes with many opportunities to network and learn about other departments. During my internship, I've connected with many HR&D professionals/leaders, but my mentor and supervisors have introduced me to many people outside of our department to get an understanding of different roles in the organization. So, my piece of advice is if you're interested in this opportunity and receive an internship offer, definitely take it but also utilize this time well to build on your networking skills and discover the many departments within SF (insurance or not insurance related!).
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Insurance Claims Intern

May - December 2023 • Bloomington, IL

What I liked

Working as a Claims Intern at State Farm was one of the best experiences during my time at Mizzou! I originally approached BA-4500 (required internship course) as a hassle and started applying for many internships just to meet the graduation requirement. State Farm was the quickest one to reach out to me, and I am so happy they did! As a Claims Intern, I was given the opportunity to explore State Farm as a whole. I was not confined to just the Claims Department when looking at future career opportunities. While the work was challenging at times, I learned so much about the Insurance industry and gained many valuable skills along the way. The primary work I did during this internship was handling claim files for State Farm policy holders. This included reviewing new insurance claims, making calls to involved parties, reviewing police reports, gathering information from online resources, and much more. I really enjoyed this work much more than I originally thought I would! The investigative aspects of this role really made me feel like a detective at times! The internship was not limited to just this type of work. I also got to attend meetings with executive leadership and learn about all aspects of the company. I also got to attend development seminars that helped grow my business acumen. State Farm made me feel important and expressed that the internship is about much more than working insurance claims. The internship is primarily focused on preparing and educating potential future leaders of the company. It was for that reason, when the internship ended, I accepted a full-time position with State Farm as a Claim Specialist. I have been in the role for about 4 months at this time and I am really enjoying it! I am still presented with opportunities for growth, and I have a clear development plan for my career. I cannot express how highly I recommend this internship and State Farm as an employer.

What I wish was different

Nothing comes to mind! I had a great experience!


This role may push you out of your comfort zone, especially if you struggle with communication over the phone. However, you will be well prepared, and this is a great way to overcome communication insecurities in a safe environment with lots of support/guidance.
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Technology - Intern

May 2021 - August 2022 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

My favorite part about State Farm is the people you work with and work under. Everybody I have met over the last year has just been great, and really willing to help when they can. My managers on the teams I have been on have been especially awesome, because they are striving to give me strong deliverables I can put on my resume in the time I have with them, as well as listening to my feedback and focusing on the things I want to learn.

What I wish was different

I would say that State Farm itself is a very corporate environment, so the things you need to get done can take a lot of time sometimes. That is just the nature of a large corporate environment though, and I have never really felt rushed by others to get anything done as fast as possible, so everybody understands this and accommodates it.


A lot of Computer Science people look only at big tech companies and don't realize that there's even more work laying in the corporate sector, like State Farm. Definitely give it a look, and don't pass it by just because it isn't Google or Amazon!
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Underwriting Risk Analyst

May - August 2017 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

There was a lot of autonomy and exposure to different parts of the company. Aside from doing functional risk work, I was also tasked with multiple projects ranging from internal consulting to cost optimization.

What I wish was different

State Farm's internships are very inconsistent. I was fortunate to be placed with a good team with a good manager. However, some interns were placed in teams that never had a good rapport or a good opportunity to do actual work (you know, instead of being a glorified administrative assistant). There was also a lack of accountability in other departments. It frustrated me specifically because I was working twelve-hour days and making less than other interns who would play paper basketball and watch Netflix all day. Of course, I ended up with a better experience (and better recommendation letters), but it is the principle.


For those at Princeton, this is a good internship to have between your freshmen and sophomore years or sophomore and junior years. It is good experience and a good résumé builder. If you perform like a Princeton student should, you will blow everyone away. Their expectations are fairly low.
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